Výsadek do Techmanie v Plzni: 8. 2. 2025.Výlet s trekkies a dalšími fanoušky na interaktivní vědeckou podívanou.Co vás v Techmanii v Plzni čeká? Interaktivní exponáty, hlavolamy, ukázky pokusů, klasické expozice, nečekané experimenty i netradiční workshopy. Můžete si všechno sami vyzkoušet.Hromadný přesun z Prahy: Sraz na Hlavním nádraží v 9:15.Nebo sraz v Plzni v 11:30 před budovou Techmanie.Více informací ve facebookové události.[link]

Výsadek: Techmania, Plzeň
Událost v Plzeň, Plzeňský kraj od Tomáše Fuka Zděnovce a CZ Kontinuum Star Trek fan klub sobota, únor 8 20255 příspěvků v diskuzi.

Máte rádi Star Trek? Přijďte si vychutnat kávu nebo čaj a probrat s dalšími fanoušky cokoli ze světa Star Treku, co vás zajímá.
Bez ohledu na to, jestli jste nováčky nebo znalci každé epizody, čeká vás přátelská atmosféra a skvělá příležitost poznat podobně naladěné lidi a společně se ponořit do světa Star Treku.
Setkání jsou vhodná pro všechny věkové skupiny i úrovně znalostí a bude se jich účastnit jen komorní počet lidí, nebude se tedy jednat o nic velkého.
Vítáni jsou všichni, rádi uvidíme i staré známé tváře, ale mějte prosím na paměti, že akce jsou určené primárně pro nováčky a snažíme se je udržet co nejkomornější. Děkujeme.

Star Trek CZ | Setkání fanoušků Star Treku v Ostravě, Praze, Brně a Plzni | Facebook
Setkání fanoušků Star Treku v Ostravě, Praze, Brně a Plzni! Máte rádi Star Trek? Přijďte si vychutnat kávu nebo čaj a probrat s dalšími fanoušky cokoli ze světa Star Treku, co vás zajímá. Bez...

Dnes je 30. výročí filmu Star Trek: Generace, prvního filmu s posádkou Nové generace. Na oslavu tohoto kulatého výročí zveřejnil Roddenberry Archive osmiminutový snímek s názvem „Sjednocení“, ve které pomocí nejnovějších technik a technologií přivedli znovu na obrazovky několik ikonických postav včetně té hlavní – kapitána Kirka. Na filmu kromě jiných spolupracoval i sám William Shattner. Jak se vám tyto krátké filmy líbí?

765874 - Unification (4K)
The Archive presents: 765874 - Unification https://home.otoy.com/unification/Join OTOY and William Shatner in celebrating the 30th anniversary of 1994's "Sta...

Pátá a zároveň poslední sezóna seriálu Star Trek: Podpalubí se blíží a opět to vypadá na divokou a bláznivou jízdu. Těšíte se?

Official Trailer | Star Trek: Lower Decks - Season 5 | StarTrek.com
In Season 5 of Star Trek: Lower Decks, the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos is tasked with closing "space potholes" — subspace rifts which are causing chaos in th...
youtube.comZemřel James Darren, představitel Vica Fountaina ze seriálu Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Bylo mu 88 let. Nechť odpočívá v pokoji.

James Darren, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE's Vic Fontaine, Dead at 88
Actor James Darren — best known to STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE fans as holographic lounge singer Vic Fontaine — has died at age 88
trekcore.comLimitovaná edice trikordéru z TNG na prodej! Funkční displej plný animované grafiky, odnímatelný skener. Cena je $799,99.

Star Trek: The Next Generation TR580 Mark VII Medical Tricorder Replica
Well, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it" Dr. Beverly Crusher THE ORIGINAL PROPS The TR580 Mark VII. is a standard tricorder, to which a specialized medical peripheral device has been added, allowing medical personnel to perform powerful medical sensor and analysis functions. Introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3, it became the signature tricorder of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) throughout the remainder of the series. The original props ranged from rudimentary non-functional resin props, with flat two-dimensional decals to suggest details, to more elaborate hero props made with vac-formed plastic shells containing some integral electronics. Different Mark VII Medical Tricorder props were produced at different times over several years, resulting in variances between them. THE REPLICA Factory Entertainment's Mark VII Tricorder replica has been created after careful study of resources in the Paramount Archives and authenticated items in private collections. It is intended to capture all the different original Mark VII Medical Tricorder props in a single blended execution. From the inception of the project, the Factory Entertainment Team wanted to incorporate a functioning LED screen into the replica, partly because it's what the original designers of the props were trying to imitate, but also because a functioning screen is so much more gratifying in physical replica than the static 35mm slides the prop makers had to use, due to period technological limitations. Animated graphics based on screen-used slides were specially created and approved by Paramount. Users can select different animations to indicate GEO, MET and BIO functions. LED screens of an identical size to the original slides do not unfortunately exist, so the closest match was sourced. Factory Entertainment's engineers had to make some minor adjustments to the tricorder body to ensure all the electronics would physically fit inside and function correctly. We feel these small variances from screen-accuracy are more than outweighed by the impressive end results. The peripheral unit of the replica includes a removable hand sensor, with a light and sound feature. The original hero props used a slightly flexible plastic liner to grip their hand sensors, oftentimes unsuccessfully. Actors can be seen in several scenes physically holding them into the peripheral unit with their thumb or finger to prevent them falling out. The Factory Entertainment Team redesigned and improved this feature, using both mechanical and magnetic fixings to hold the hand sensor securely. The socket also includes a chasing LED light sequence inside. Different original hero props featured different sequences. For this replica we selected a running-right-to-left pattern because it was one of the more commonly seen variations. Original hero props were painted grey and then hand 'dusted' with silver paint to create a subtle shimmer that was intended to suggest a high-tech metallic finish. On screen the effect is almost unnoticeable, but under scrutiny the inconsistency inerrant in the technique becomes apparent. Different original props have differing degrees of tone and color. For consistency and durability, the replica has been powder coated with metallic finish that emulates the original paint technique. The body of the medical tricorder is diecast in metal. Other parts are formed in ABS plastic and acrylic. The hand sensor is machined aluminum. Each prop replica is supplied in an elegant wooden display case and includes a sequentially numbered metal plaque and COA booklet.Star Trek: The Next Generation TR580 Mark VII Medical Tricorder Replica is NOT eligible for promotional discounts.